Relational Coaching for Businesses: an approach to caring for both business and individuals.

Coaching—whether individual, team, or group—is the ideal tool to support businesses in the complexity and vulnerability of our world, while also embracing its extraordinary opportunities.

For entrepreneurs

For managers and individuals taking on the challenging role of a leader, or those in the process of preparing for such responsibilities.

For teams in the process of formation

For teams already established but realizing that the current state doesn’t meet their needs.

For young talents

For individuals facing discomfort and seeking a moment to pause and realign.

Organisational well-being

The pluses of coaching for businesses

Depending on the case,  individual, group, or team courses are activated. Sessions are conducted in-person as well as through web and/or phone sessions.

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Main intervention areas

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For entrepreneurs, to support them in:

Identifying, planning, and implementing necessary changes in their company.

Overcoming moments of loneliness and uncertainty by developing deep self-confidence and a solid transformative capability.

Improving and balancing time management.

Developing emotional agility and managing stress in a stress-free way.

Expanding and consolidating their leadership.


For manager, to support them in:

Managing complexity and change.

Consolidating their leadership and positive influencing ability.

Empowering their team: giving and receiving feedback, raising awareness and responsibility levels among employees, managing conflicts.

Valuing employees and increasing a sense of belonging.

Improving operational results through enhanced goal-setting and priority identification, with the development of consistency in operational choices.

To prepare or guide employees during professional growth.

To provide support for a faster and more effective integration into the new context during the phases of introduction to a new team or within the company itself.

To help in the development of young talents, giving them a significant opportunity to increase self-awareness and cross-functional skills.

Well-suited for companies that combine a business approach with caring for people.
Relational coaching actions support companies in:

Strengthening corporate well-being and preventing/treating work-related stress risks.

Implementing organizational restructuring that genuinely cares about people.

Corporate Welfare - offering employees/collaborators opportunities for professional support when:

They suddenly find themselves dealing with family members (children, parents, or elderly relatives) requiring care, creating states of concern and stress even if not directly involved.

They go through periods of work overload.

They return from sick leave..

If you want to know about the projects and clients I’ve worked with

Coaching is available in several modalities:

Individual Paths: six to eight sessions, each lasting one hour, conveniently accessible remotely via web sessions.

Team Coaching: designed for people collaborating within the same department or service.

Individual group coaching,” particularly effective for homogeneous groups of participants (e.g., all company managers at the same level).”.