
I believe in the healing and transformative capacity of every individual and the ability of every organisation to change.

Coaching per organizzazioni e persone
The project player PA

I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC-ICF), and I base my approach on the principles, values, and ethics of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the largest international coaching association.

According to the ICF definition, coaching is a partnership with clients that, through a creative process, stimulates reflection, inspiring them to maximize their personal and professional potential. In other words, a coaching journey, through a rigorous yet flexible method, that takes the form of conversations between the coach and the coachee, encouraging people to identify what they want and achieve it without the coach or others acting on their behalf or telling them what to do.

The distinctive feature of coaching offered by The Project Player is to support action, to transition from vision to action.

The proposed courses bring together the skills and experience gained alongside organisations and individuals, using, in a personal and constantly evolving synthesis, content and tools that help to acquire confidence and trust, clarity and courage, resilience and leadership.

Depending on the case, individual, group or team courses can be created.

The courses take place both in presence and remote via web and/or telephone.

As a Leadership Coach, I accompany individuals and organisations in identifying their vision, planning their direction, setting goals and guiding themselves and others to achieve them. I stand by their side in identifying and realising what success is for them, on a personal, professional, and relational level.

Dimensions of success and leadership


In these dimensions, clients develop awareness and take full responsibility for their choices, facilitating their own success, as well as that of others and the organisation as a whole.

Over the years, my personal background has been enriched by the study of neuroscience, neuro-linguistic programming and the methodology, approach and tools of medical coaching from the Medical Coaching Institute of Israel. As a Professional Medical Coach, I guide clients to activate their cognitive, emotional, and spiritual resources during crisis situations, developing resilience and self-reconstruction.

Medical coach

By combining leadership and medical coaching I have created a unique proposal specifically designed for businesses: Relational Coaching.

As a Relational Coach, I guide individuals and organisations in navigating complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, and vulnerability, to achieve agility and emotional intelligence, creativity, and radical resilience.

For those who find themselves – at some point in their lives – taking care of another person in the role of a family caregiver, there is Caregiver Coaching.

Frequently women, but increasingly men as well, taking care of fragile individuals like children or elderly parents in need of attention and care. Whether the caregiver takes full responsibility for caregiving or relies on others for physical care aspects, I accompany them in facing a new phase of life where priorities, thoughts, and emotions are different from what they were used to.