A project is what propels us towards happiness
This is the motto of The Project Player
Supporting and helping people, organisations and communities in developing the ability to live, entrepreneurship and administration by projects, from vision to realisation, is the vision that drives the way we work.
Why talk about projects and happiness together?
Because projects are much more than the translation of a vision into reality, the realisation of one or more objectives. Realising projects moves emotions, puts positive energies into circulation, helps us to feel good, to feel happy and, not surprisingly, ‘fulfilled’. A project that really is a project (not a purpose or the mere execution of a task) changes reality and its effects remain and become the basis for a new project.
We can live, do business, administer a territory trying to cope. In doing so, we re-act externally, and become prey to urgencies, happenings, and changes that we mostly experience as suffered, often experiencing anxiety and a sense of precariousness, even when things are going well.
We can live, do business, administer with enormous determination, focusing all our energies on one specific aspect. We will most likely succeed and be successful, but at the price of sacrificing every other aspect of life, or risking burn out and creating a climate around ourselves and co-workers that is too stressful in the long run with a collapse in productivity and the loss of our best resources. An effective strategy, perhaps even rewarding in the immediate term, unsustainable in the medium term, destructive in the long run.
Living, entrepreneurship and project management leads to being intentional, intuitive, effective, sustainable, flexible, creative and able to offer and make the best of what and who surrounds us.
The Project Player supports you in developing the ability to live, undertake and manage by projects, from vision to realisation. It does so by combining training, coaching and counselling, through an interaction that cognitively stimulates and also emotionally involves.